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I_am_loc explained in detail

Background Details

Who is i_am_loc?

April 14th 2018

So i've done some digging and found out some pretty amazing things about i_am_loc or its_loc. If you guys don't know who this guy is, here is a pretty good explanation. I_am_loc is a Fantage hacker. He claims to have a father that owns parts of the Fantage website. He started this hacking a few years ago. He even started to sell his secrets to hacking on instagram at one stage, and I expect her earned himself little money. Some people in Fantage, even today, are able to hack there way into the system and get past the sensors. I wonder if i_am_loc had anything to do with this? I talked to some people who had talked to, and even been hacked by i_am_loc, and figured out they all were despised of the guy. Once someone finally reported him to Fantage, he was permanently banned. He uses backup accounts, all reported and permanently banned! If you know i_am_loc, please contact me. I am open to your suggestions. Thanks guys!

Fantage News!

Whats going on with Fantage?

What should we know?

Hey guys! So you may have noticed that at times, you cannot access the first server (Auburn Hippo) and instead had to go into Blue Tiger’s server. This is because Fantage has been under sdos attack. A few weeks ago, when logging in there was a notice of sdos attack. This stated that it was going to be harder to log in.

If you were wondering ‘does everyone have this problem?’ the answer is, yes. The reason why I know this is because when we went into Blue Tiger’s server, we could see everyone there. And when I saw the star that shines when friends are in the server, I hovered my mouse of it and saw the people in Auburn Hippo’s server were the same as Blue Tiger’s. This means other people are having the same problem, and I suspect everyone else would have the same difficulty. 

If you guys have anymore info on this topic, feel free to email me! I would be honoured to hear your feedback. Thanks guys! Bye!


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